I met Mel at my first year of TAFE and I'm so glad I did because we have become great friends and she is just the most friendly, kind-hearted, beautiful girl! 

Yesterday Mel and her boyfriend Steven came all the way down to our house to let me borrow their studio lighting kit. They live about 2 hours away, and I would have felt awful having them just go home after all of their effort so I invited them over for the night. 

We had such a nice time, from giving each other website tips and talking about shoots, to playing tunes on the piano (James and I just admired Mel and Steve's talent) - these two are the loveliest couple and loveliest people in general I've ever met. 

Here are some happy snaps from the night!

Mel has her own photography website - have a look at her beautiful work: http://merlinalam.com/