Last night Sherri's beautiful parents took us out for our own special private boat tour and it was such a beautiful experience. Sherri, James and I went to dinner and then met Sherri's parents at the jetty where Sherri's mum very impressively pulled the boat in to get ready for us to jump on. 

I love boats. I don't really know why but I just get this feeling of complete bliss sitting on a boat gliding along the water. The last time I was on a boat was in Kauai and the feeling hasn't changed. We went through the canals in Mandurah and were completely amazed by the size and beauty of all the houses - some had lights on and you could see furniture and rooms that looked like they were designed for kings and queens and princesses. One particular house had huge windows on the bottom floor and you could see expensive cars parked inside, and in the middle was a huge stairway that lead up to the main bit of the house. It was like something out of a movie - half reminded me of iron man, half reminded me of cinderella (not sure why)

It felt like we had left Perth and were passing through the wealthiest bit of Venice. I had no idea real estate like this existed in little ol' Mandurah. We went on the boat to look at Christmas lights and they definitely didn't disappoint - in fact some houses were beyond belief. It made me so happy to see people still making effort decorating as each year when we drive through neighborhoods looking for lit up houses, there seem to be less and less...Not where we were last night though - where we went, one or two weren't lit and the rest were absolutely incredible. Sherri mentioned that some people paid professionals to light their house for them. 

One of my favourite moments was when we were sitting on the boat and passed by a larger tour boat full of people and some people on the front yelled MERRY CHRISTMAS! and we yelled it back. Christmas is my absolute favourite time of year. I think it brings people together more than any other holiday. 

Happy holidays everyone <3