What day is it?
As some of you might know I keep journals and have done since I started high school, rather than rewrite blog posts I'm writing digital travel journal entries so I will share these with you. I'm 100% honest and I don't think about what I write when I write for journals it all just comes out so, here is my entry for today:
(please keep in mind I'm posting from my ipad so if the format is gross it's not entirely my fault) D:
20th August 2014
Writing this I'm almost certain I'll confuse us both, but I'll try my best to keep it simple. On Wednesday the 20th August at lunch time Jo and I flew off to Sydney. The flight from perth to Sydney was 4 hours in total and beyond beautiful. The views varied from sunny cloudy sky's, to sunset and then as we landed we were in awe of all of the city lights of Sydney. To my (pleasant) surprise the food was good too :) we had butter chicken, rice, and they also gave us cheese and crackers, chocolate and dessert which was a pudding ice-cream although it was too rich for me so I didn't finish it. I watched divergent for the first time too and I thought it was pretty good.
We touched down in Sydney around 6:00pm (Sydney time) with only 40 minutes to catch a shuttle bus, transfer to the international airport and get onto our plane to Honolulu. It was hectic to say the least. Jo got stopped in customs because they thought she had a suspicious "jar" in her bag and after pulling out all of her clothes, and belongings (including granny undies haha) they said it must have been nothing so we were left packing it all up in even more of a hurry to go through customs since we now had -1 minute to catch our plane. Trying to find where the heck we were supposed to go was beyond impossible so we asked a Qantas staff member for help and she said she doubt we'd even be able to get to the terminal in time, she was lovely and called up for us and told them to hold the flight but it turned out that for some reason they were boarding late anyway - feuf. Our of breath we ran to our terminal where men were waiting to check our passports and I asked mine concerned "has the plane left yet?" In which he replied "no no they haven't even boarded yet, go get a coffee if you want!" It made me laugh.
Jo and I had spoken about the flight to Honolulu before hand and planned to eat our meal and then sleep for a good 5/6 hours of our 9 hour flight - boy were we wrong. You know how you dread having a baby on the plane - our plane was equipped with at least 6 screaming babies and toddlers. We made friends with one called Ella she was 2 and she kept holding my hand, it was cute.
On the plane our first meal was dinner, we had chicken in sauce with couscous which I was scared to eat at first (is it rice is it pasta what the heck is it) but I really enjoyed it, we flew with Qantas again so we got a salad, chocolate bar and cheese and crackers as well. Was really impressed with the quality of the food since usually even the words plane food make me feel a little bit sick haha.
The next few (7) hours were spent tossing and turning trying to get into a comfy sleep position without being able to lay back or stretch your legs. Jo laid with her head in my lap, I laid with my head in hers. Legs up on the chair, legs down. Pillow here, pillow there - i heard them preparing breakfast when I realised sleep just wasn't going to happen. Both her and were exhausted and starving. Breakfast came and there was a choice between hot and cold breakfast and we both chose hot. They gave us an egg frittata with sausage and sauce stuff and it tasted like the plane food I imagined previously to my last two meals. They also gave us a tub of fresh fruit, juice and tea and a sultana muffin so regardless of the gross hot breakfast we still managed to fill our tummies.
We landed at Honolulu today (which is Wednesday still in America time confusingly enough) at 9:30am. Honolulu airport is old and you can tell it has history and I love it. It's all made with wood and as you walk through there's Hawaiian ukulele music playing and Hawaiian art hanging from the walls and the staff greet you with smiles and alohas. I really loved the "cute oldness" of the airport until we reached customs and there was a line of at least 500 people lining up and just small fans pointing towards to group to keep people cool. I felt proud that I got through the entire line without fainting, again for the 50th time (it feels) on this trip I showed my passport, my tickets, answered some scary questions like "what is the purpose of your visit" which I know isn't scary at all but when the person asking is holding a gun it gets a little intimidating (totally exaggerating btw) and I got through customs almost flawlessly until the man said enjoy your holiday and I said "you too" and then kind was like "I mean...your day." And he laughed at me but that made me feel good since while I was watching him in line he didn't smile at anyone. (I watch people that are going to serve me and suss out who will be the nicest ones by their body language towards customers am I the only one?) and then of course regardless of who I'm sent to I'll make an effort to make them smile and I like to think I succeeded today.
Jo and I had a 5 hour stop over and all we could think about after getting out of the terrible customs line, checking in our suitcases and getting lost about 40 times on the way was how starving we were. We got Starbucks, just a bottle of water and a pre packed sandwich came to $14 and I decided then and there that I'm never getting Starbucks again no matter how cool and tumblr famous it is.
By the time we ate lunch and went exploring a bit we weren't sure whether to check in and wait in the lounge for our flight or go exploring Honolulu. We asked a local and she told us she didn't think there was anything worth while doing in the time we had for our stop over so we came and checked in, went through the baggage check and Jo got stopped again because of some suspicious alarm going off when they put liquid on her hands, so the poor girl had to get taken away and frisk searched, so I was left with all of our bags hoping that nothing would go wrong in the scan (which it didn't yay) So now we're sitting in the lounge and they've made a call saying that our flight should (finally) be boarding soon and well be on our way to kauai to meet our host Casey. Atm all we can think about is sleep cos we'll have been awake for 31 hours after arriving in kauai, but were both ready for a week full of adventures after tonight's sleep.