Samantha PancieraComment

Little life update

Samantha PancieraComment
Little life update

Life is wonderful at the moment and its because of a combination of things. With the house stuff out of the way I finally can feel what it feels like to live without something constantly in the back of mind and without constant stress. As a result of this I have been able to focus more on business again and really work on my mind which as much as I hate to admit I neglected for a little while. 

I spent the other night sitting down and setting goals, this is still challenging for me for some reason. I really am not sure what I want, but I've started spending time with business friends and I'm already so inspired by them so I'm sure with time I'll gain clarity again. I spoke in front of a crowd about business the other night and presented for the first time in probably over a year about the topic; it was a big step out of my comfort zone and I was worried about it for the entire week before. I felt an overwhelming amount of happiness afterwards, from how proud I was of myself and also just the support and encouragement from the people around me. They're all so beautiful. I can't explain what it's like to have friends like this. I think back to Monday morning at training, We're all gathered around the coffee table discussing areas that might be holding us back in our lives. We go deep and it's challenging for a lot of us...For me it was too confronting, I wasn't ready to share. I've never been good at being vulnerable and talking openly about challenges. I really couldn't believe the things I was learning about people that I thought I knew fairly well. From abuse in their past, to limiting beliefs that stop them doing day to day things. All together we spoke about what it is that could be holding us back from reaching our full potential. As I sat and listened I admired everyone who was sharing for their bravery and somehow felt closer to them all. Get yourself friends like these. They're the hardest friends to have because they don't sugar coat, they won't pat you on the back and tell you it'll all work out in the end, they'll challenge you and ask you the most confronting questions, they aren't afraid to disagree with things you say, they'll tell you solutions for everything and no problem is ever too big because they believe that anyone can overcome anything. They're these seemingly indestructible, unstoppable people. Even after just spending time with them, you feel like you're made of what they are. They're diamonds. Last Wednesday after spending time with them I was so unbelievably happy and grateful about life I sang all the way home. Between words I'd stop and just appreciate everything I was feeling. This is the most excited I've been about life in a long time. 

Today I went to the beach with Jenny. "HOW LUCKY ARE WE." Id say as we walked through the beautiful landscape we get to call home. The luckiest. SO lucky. We dance and sing and take photos and in the middle of it all i just say "IM SO HAPPY." Jenny laughs and more rationally I say. "The sun is out, I'm so happy." I can't really put it into words. Being appreciative of the small things is a little habit I really try to keep strong. Right now I'm appreciative of everything. Life is wonderful.