June blog.
And all I think of when I read that is June from Handmaids Tale because that is what I have been binging this month haha. (If you haven’t, you should.)
June was a good month. The theme was definitely…Baby Showers. I went to 4 in a 5 week period and each were equally special to me. Kyle and Bec (My baby Kyle that I have known for almost 20 years) can’t believe he’s becoming a Dad, I feel so proud of him. In fact, when I think about it, all of the ladies I celebrated this month I know for certain will just be such incredible mothers. My best friend Kim; it was her Baby Shower too. I know…can you believe she had the audacity to have a baby without consulting me first :’) we laugh about this together. We always talked about having babies at the same time but the truth is, she’s been ready since we met in grade 2 and I’m not sure I ever will be. That girl was born to be a mamma and I’m so excited to watch her grow into that role.
I went to the naturopath at the end of last year and she did an IGG intolerance test on me - turns out I should not be eating eggs. (Which used to be a staple in my diet) They showed up quite high so I have been conscious of cutting them out - most the time….(ignore the 6 eggs in my home made pasta photo lol) I’m not too strict on it - my theory is if I can’t see the eggs in things - they aren’t in there. So basically I just don’t eat eggs on toast anymore :’) But due to the diet change I went from mainly looking at vegetarian recipes (which often use eggs as a base or key ingredient) to vegan recipes throughout the week. My reasoning for this isn’t strong or extreme, merely that I want to eat more vegetables. On the weekends I am still free with my diet. It has been fun experimenting with new meals and learning substitutions which are often far healthier than the generic versions. I’m not sure how long I’ll keep this up but right now it seems to be working for me. Xavi has been working hard on the groundwork he needs to apply for his PR so at the start of the month I started prepping his meals for him too as a way to help reduce his stress and workload. He always insists that I don’t need to do so, but I like doing things for him. I find that I cook better for me when I cook for us both because I’ll so easily settle for toast for dinner but I know how happy delicious food makes him so it is worth the extra effort.
I have been cooking a lot but I must say I think I’m most proud of the ravioli and the garlic bread I made. Oh my god. Both sooooo delicious. The pasta took me 4 hours - I honestly regret starting right up until I took my first bite and then the work was (almost) worth it haha. Next time I’ve told Shaunie, Ryan and Xavi I’m recruiting them and we’ll do it together like a big Italian family. “Like a production line?” Xavi says with his incredible ability to snap me out of my romantic notions “No, like a family!” I roll my eyes at him but we both know he’s just stirring me up. He has already taken dibs on his job “Taste testing.” - What am I going to do with that man. The garlic bread literally made me jump up and down I was that happy. My bread has been inconsistent lately, so garlic bread felt extremely ambitious. I thought it was going to be a classic “expectation/reality” moment and the reality would be deflated and sad looking like a lot of the other loaves I had made. I lifted the lid on my dutch oven to reveal the freakin’ sexiest garlic bread I have ever seen (If I do say so myself) I did the most epic happy dance and the first thing I always do is send mum photos when I’m proud of my cooking.
I slipped back into bad habits in June. Spending more time than necessary scrolling. I thought after the month off IG my bad habits had been broken but they quickly developed again. Seems to kind of be an all or nothing thing right now - but I’m trying not to be too hard on myself.
July holds my favourite human’s birthday, our 2 year anniversary since he moved in, and hopefully he finds out if he can apply for his PR. Not to mention maybe getting to meet some of the babies! I think it’ll be an exciting month.
Speak soon.