As I think back on this past year it's all kind of a blur, so much stress at the start of the year, a very cruisey mid year, and a restless end of the year, but I'm grateful for it all. 

I sat with Lauren on the couch yesterday and we thanked one another for each other's friendship this year. We talked about all we went through together and it was really special. To have a friend (friends) that will see you go through your biggest challenges, see you at your emotional lows and never lose belief in you is incredibly touching. To have friends that encourage and encourage and encourage no matter what and always have your back and that love you unconditionally - I'll never take it forgranted, not for a single day. 

My goal for this year was to get past the house stuff - and somehow I did. And then from there I decided I needed to relax for my mental well being. "2017 can be my arty year." and I really stuck by that. I turned my office into an art space, I experimented with mediums I have never used, I am really proud of myself that I was able to commit myself to something completely for me, without making myself feel guilty. 

Mid year, after all the stress I thought about what I wanted for my life. "Maybe I just want to work, and do art, go on coffee dates, and read my life away. I just want to be arty and smart." Id think to myself. My ambition was completely gone towards what I initially viewed as "successful." All still true - I do want to be the smartest artiest little thing I can be, but as of the past few months I am back into (crazy) restless driven Sam mode. and I want so much more for my life. It's driving me nuts if I'm honest. I have so much ambition and no idea where to channel it. I'm sure it's driving my loved ones nuts too. Every second day I message mum with ideas for my life. She encourages every one. 

I met Luke this year, he's the main reason everything's changed for me and the standard I have for my life. I'll write more about him another time. But he's just everything. 

2017 introduced me to new people, some which changed my life so much more than ever expected, the year brought so many memories with old and new friends that I'm SO grateful for I can not even begin to express.

I'm excited for you 2018.