6th Apr 2020

6th Apr 2020

It’s been that long that I don’t know how or where to begin, I thought I’d just share some excerpts from my journal over the past few months as a way of catching you up.


well that was…rollercoaster-y 😂 I love keeping a journal, I think it’s the greatest thing I’ve ever done. I speak about it like I’m in some journal cult but it’s just because of how good it feels to be able to look back at emotions, and details that ordinarily you probably wouldn’t remember, and to be able to see what came of it.

I started a blog speaking about the current Covid-19 situation but to be honest I feel like at the moment I am living and breathing (not literally I hope) the virus, and that I just want to keep this space free from that. I will say that at the moment I am feeling the most grounded I have in a long time and that this situation has forced me to live in the moment. Since a majority of my stress comes from thinking about the future - I am feeling almost more calm in some aspects during this pandemic, than I did when life was regular. (There’s definitely a lesson to be learned in that, eek.) I have surrendered to what I can’t control and now my most common thoughts are of the things that I do currently have that I am grateful for.

I’m very conscious of the privileges that I have now, as well as the ones that have been taken away that I had before. I am extremely grateful for the great deal of perspective this entire pandemic has given me, and I think we all could have used the reminder of what things in life are truly important.

Stay safe everyone